Arctic API

The primary API used to access and manage ArcticDB libraries. Use this to get a handle to a Library instance, which can then be used for subsequent operations as documented in the Library API section.


Top-level library management class.

arcticdb.LibraryOptions(*[, dynamic_schema, ...])

Configuration options that can be applied when libraries are created.

class arcticdb.Arctic(uri: str)[source]

Top-level library management class. Arctic instances can be configured against an S3 environment and enable the creation, deletion and retrieval of Arctic libraries.

__init__(uri: str)[source]

Initializes a top-level Arctic library management instance.

For more information on how to use Arctic Library instances please see the documentation on Library.


uri (str) –

URI specifying the backing store used to access, configure, and create Arctic libraries.

The S3 URI connection scheme has the form s3(s)://<s3 end point>:<s3 bucket>[?options].

Use s3s as the protocol if communicating with a secure endpoint.

Options is a query string that specifies connection specific options as <name>=<value> pairs joined with &.

Available options:




port to use for S3 connection


S3 region


Whether to use virtual addressing to access the S3 bucket


S3 access key


S3 secret access key


Path within S3 bucket to use for data storage


If true, authentication to endpoint will be computed via AWS environment vars/config files. If no options are provided aws_auth will be assumed to be true.

Note: When connecting to AWS, region can be automatically deduced from the endpoint if the given endpoint specifies the region and region is not set.

The LMDB URI connection scheme has the form lmdb:///<path to store LMDB files>.


>>> ac = Arctic('s3://MY_ENDPOINT:MY_BUCKET')  # Leave AWS to derive credential information
>>> ac = Arctic('s3://MY_ENDPOINT:MY_BUCKET?region=YOUR_REGION&access=ABCD&secret=DCBA') # Manually specify creds
>>> ac.create_library('travel_data')
>>> ac.list_libraries()
>>> travel_library = ac['travel_data']
>>> ac.delete_library('travel_data')
class arcticdb.LibraryOptions(*, dynamic_schema: bool = False, dedup: bool = False, rows_per_segment=100000, columns_per_segment=127)[source]

Configuration options that can be applied when libraries are created.


See __init__ for details.




See __init__ for details.




See __init__ for details.




See __init__ for details.



__init__(*, dynamic_schema: bool = False, dedup: bool = False, rows_per_segment=100000, columns_per_segment=127)[source]
  • dynamic_schema (bool, default False) –

    Controls whether the library supports dynamically changing symbol schemas.

    The schema of a symbol refers to the order of the columns and the type of the columns.

    If False, then the schema for a symbol is set on each write call, and cannot then be modified by successive updates or appends. Each successive update or append must contain the same column set in the same order with the same types as the initial write.

    When disabled, ArcticDB will tile stored data across both the rows and columns. This enables highly efficient retrieval of specific columns regardless of the total number of columns stored in the symbol.

    If True, then updates and appends can contain columns not originally seen in the most recent write call. The data will be dynamically backfilled on read when required for the new columns. Furthermore, Arctic will support numeric type promotions should the type of a column change - for example, should column A be of type int32 on write, and of type float on the next append, the column will be returned as a float to Pandas on read. Supported promotions include (narrow) integer to (wider) integer, and integer to float.

    When enabled, ArcticDB will only tile across the rows of the data. This will result in slower column subsetting when storing a large number of columns (>1,000).

  • dedup (bool, default False) –

    Controls whether calls to write and write_batch will attempt to deduplicate data segments against the previous live version of the specified symbol.

    If False, new data segments will always be written for the new version of the symbol being created.

    If True, the content hash, start index, and end index of data segments associated with the previous live version of this symbol will be compared with those about to be written, and will not be duplicated in the storage device if they match.

    Keep in mind that this is most effective when version n is equal to version n-1 plus additional data at the end - and only at the end! If there is additional data inserted at the start or into the the middle, then all segments occuring after that modification will almost certainly differ. ArcticDB creates new segments at fixed intervals and data is only de-duplicated if the hashes of the data segments are identical. A one row offset will therefore prevent this de-duplication.

    Note that these conditions will also be checked with write_pickle and write_batch_pickle. However, pickled objects are always written as a single data segment, and so dedup will only occur if the written object is identical to the previous version.

  • rows_per_segment (int, default 100_000) –

    Together with columns_per_segment, controls how data being written, appended, or updated is sliced into separate data segment objects before being written to storage.

    By splitting data across multiple objects in storage, calls to read and read_batch that include the date_range and/or columns parameters can reduce the amount of data read from storage by only reading those data segments that contain data requested by the reader.

    For example, if writing a dataframe with 250,000 rows and 200 columns, by default, this will be sliced into 6 data segments: 1 - rows 1-100,000 and columns 1-127 2 - rows 100,001-200,000 and columns 1-127 3 - rows 200,001-250,000 and columns 1-127 4 - rows 1-100,000 and columns 128-200 5 - rows 100,001-200,000 and columns 128-200 6 - rows 200,001-250,000 and columns 128-200

    Data segments that cover the same range of rows are said to belong to the same row-slice (e.g. segments 2 and 5 in the example above). Data segments that cover the same range of columns are said to belong to the same column-slice (e.g. segments 2 and 3 in the example above).

    Note that this slicing is only applied to the new data being written, existing data segments from previous versions that can remain the same will not be modified. For example, if a 50,000 row dataframe with a single column is written, and then another dataframe also with 50,000 rows and one column is appended to it, there will still be two data segments each with 50,000 rows.

    Note that for libraries with dynamic_schema enabled, columns_per_segment does not apply, and there is always a single column-slice. However, rows_per_segment is used, and there will be multiple row-slices.

  • columns_per_segment (int, default 127) – See rows_per_segment