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ArcticDB Fundamentals

This tutorial will walk through the fundamentals of ArcticDB:

  1. Accessing libraries
  2. Writing data
  3. Reading data
  4. Modifying data

To start, let's import Arctic:

from arcticdb import Arctic

Accessing libraries

Connect to your storage:

# Connect using defined keys
ac = Arctic('s3s://<access key>&secret=<secret key>')
# Leave AWS SDK to work out auth details 
ac = Arctic('s3s://

For more information on how the AWS SDK configures authentication without utilising defined keys, please see the AWS documentation.

Access a library using either the [library_name] notation or the get_library method:

lib = ac['library']
# ...equivalent to...
lib = ac.get_library['library']

Let's see what data is already present:

>>> lib.list_symbols()
['sym_2', 'sym_1', 'symbol']

ArcticDB API

ArcticDB's API is built around four main primitives that each operate over a single symbol.

  1. write: Creates a new version consisting solely of the item passed in.
  2. append: Creates a new version consisting of the item appended to the previously-written data.
  3. update: Creates a new version consisting the previous data patched with the provided item.
  4. read: Retrieves the given version (if no version is provided the latest version is used).

These primitives aren't exhaustive, but cover most use cases. We'll show the usage of these primitives.

Writing data

Let's start by generating some data. The below snippet generates some random data with a datetime index:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLUMNS)), columns=[f"COL_{i}" for i in range(NUM_COLUMNS)], index=pd.date_range('2000', periods=NUM_ROWS, freq='h'))

Let's take this data and write it to ArcticDB:

>>> lib.write("my_data", df)
VersionedItem(symbol=my_data,library=test_fundamentals_1,data=<class 'NoneType'>,version=0,metadata=None,host=local)

Reading data

To read the data, simply use the read primitive:

>>> data ="my_data")
>>> data
VersionedItem(symbol=my_data,library=test_fundamentals_1,data=<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>,version=0,metadata=None,host=local)

Note that you get back a VersionedItem - it allows us to retrieve the version of the written data:

>>> data.version

As this is the first write to this symbol, the version is 0. To retrieve the data:


Slicing and filtering

See the getting started guide for more information.

Modifying data

Let's append some data. First, note that the data we've written ends in 2011:

                     COL_0  COL_1  COL_2  COL_3  COL_4  COL_5  COL_6  COL_7  COL_8  COL_9
2011-05-29 11:00:00     44     94     70     32     91      4     35     19     74     53
2011-05-29 12:00:00     79     51     67     48      8     83     46     54     86     38
2011-05-29 13:00:00     60     98     74      4     81     86     64     78     13     32
2011-05-29 14:00:00     27     24     16      6     84     99     11     94     29      4
2011-05-29 15:00:00     81     76     52     93     31     91     64      2     26     78

That's simply because the data we generated started on January 1st, 2000 at 00:00 at consists of 100,000 rows, incrementing one hour at a time. When append-ing data, the data you are appending must begin after the existing data ends. As a result, let's generate some data that begins in 2012:

df_to_append = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLUMNS)), columns=[f"COL_{i}" for i in range(NUM_COLUMNS)], index=pd.date_range('2012', periods=NUM_ROWS, freq='h'))

Now let's append!

>>> lib.append("my_data", df_to_append)
VersionedItem(symbol=my_data,library=test_fundamentals_1,data=<class 'NoneType'>,version=1,metadata=None,host=local)

append has created a new version of the data. When reading version 0, the data will end in 2011. When reading version 1, the data will end in 2023.


If append can only append date that begins after the existing data ends, then it begs the question - how do we mutate data?

The answer is that we use the update primitive. update overwrites (creating a new version - nothing is lost!) existing symbol data with the data that is passed in. Note that the entire range between the first and last index entry in the existing data is replaced in its entirety with the data that is passed in, adding additional index entries if required. This means update is a contiguous operation - see the documentation of update for more information.

Time travel!

ArcticDB is bitemporal - all new versions are timestamped! Let's pull in the first version of the data, prior to the append:

>>>"my_date", as_of=0).data.tail()
                     COL_0  COL_1  COL_2  COL_3  COL_4  COL_5  COL_6  COL_7  COL_8  COL_9
2011-05-29 11:00:00     44     94     70     32     91      4     35     19     74     53
2011-05-29 12:00:00     79     51     67     48      8     83     46     54     86     38
2011-05-29 13:00:00     60     98     74      4     81     86     64     78     13     32
2011-05-29 14:00:00     27     24     16      6     84     99     11     94     29      4
2011-05-29 15:00:00     81     76     52     93     31     91     64      2     26     78

Note that it ends in 2011 - it's like the append never happened. as_of can take a timestamp (datatime.datetime or pd.Timestamp) as well.