Source code for arcticdb.version_store.library

Copyright 2023 Man Group Operations Limited

Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License 1.1 included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.

As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed by the Apache License, version 2.0.

import datetime
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Optional, Any, Tuple, Dict, AnyStr, Union, List, Iterable, NamedTuple
from numpy import datetime64

from arcticdb.supported_types import Timestamp

from arcticdb.version_store.processing import QueryBuilder
from arcticdb.version_store._store import NativeVersionStore, VersionedItem
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

AsOf = Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]

NORMALIZABLE_TYPES = (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray)

NormalizableType = Union[NORMALIZABLE_TYPES]
"""Types that can be normalised into Arctic's internal storage structure.

See Also

Library.write: for more documentation on normalisation.

[docs]class ArcticInvalidApiUsageException(RuntimeError): """Exception indicating an invalid call made to the Arctic API."""
[docs]class ArcticDuplicateSymbolsInBatchException(ArcticInvalidApiUsageException): """Exception indicating that duplicate symbols were passed to a batch method of this module."""
[docs]class ArcticUnsupportedDataTypeException(ArcticInvalidApiUsageException): """Exception indicating that a method does not support the type of data provided."""
[docs]class SymbolVersion(NamedTuple): """A named tuple. A symbol name - version pair. Attributes ---------- symbol : str Symbol name. version : int Version of the symbol. """ symbol: str version: int def __repr__(self): return f"{self.symbol}_v{self.version}"
[docs]class VersionInfo(NamedTuple): """A named tuple. Descriptive information about a particular version of a symbol. Attributes ---------- date: datetime.datetime Time that the version was written in UTC. deleted: bool True if the version has been deleted and is only being kept alive via a snapshot. snapshots: List[str] Snapshots that refer to this version. """ date: datetime.datetime deleted: bool snapshots: List[str] def __repr__(self): result = f"(date={}" if self.deleted: result += ", deleted" if self.snapshots: result += f", snapshots={self.snapshots}" result += ")" return result
class NameWithDType(NamedTuple): """A named tuple. A name and dtype description pair.""" name: str dtype: str
[docs]class SymbolDescription(NamedTuple): """A named tuple. Descriptive information about the data stored under a particular symbol. Attributes ---------- columns: Tuple[NameWithDType] Columns stored under the symbol. index : NameWithDType Index of the symbol. index_type : str {"NA", "index", "multi_index"} Whether the index is a simple index or a multi_index. ``NA`` indicates that the stored data does not have an index. row_count : int Number of rows. last_update_time : datetime64 The time of the last update to the symbol, in UTC. date_range : Tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime] The times in UTC that data for this symbol spans. If the data is not timeseries indexed then this value will be ``(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1))``. """ columns: Tuple[NameWithDType] index: NameWithDType index_type: str row_count: int last_update_time: datetime.datetime date_range: Tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]
[docs]class WritePayload: """ WritePayload is designed to enable batching of multiple operations with an API that mirrors the singular ``write`` API. Construction of ``WritePayload`` objects is only required for batch write operations. One instance of ``WritePayload`` refers to one unit that can be written through to ArcticDB. """
[docs] def __init__(self, symbol: str, data: Union[Any, NormalizableType], metadata: Any = None): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- symbol : str Symbol name. Limited to 255 characters. The following characters are not supported in symbols: ``"*", "&", "<", ">"`` data : Any Data to be written. If data is not of NormalizableType then it will be pickled. metadata : Any, default=None Optional metadata to persist along with the symbol. See Also -------- Library.write_pickle: For information on the implications of providing data that needs to be pickled. """ self.symbol = symbol = data self.metadata = metadata
def __repr__(self): return f"WriteArgs(symbol={self.symbol}, data_id={id(}, metadata={self.metadata})" def __iter__(self): yield self.symbol yield if self.metadata is not None: yield self.metadata
[docs]class ReadRequest(NamedTuple): """ReadRequest is designed to enable batching of read operations with an API that mirrors the singular ``read`` API. Therefore, construction of this object is only required for batch read operations. Attributes ---------- as_of: Optional[AsOf], default=none See `read` method. date_range: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Timestamp], Optional[Timestamp]]], default=none See `read`method. columns: Optional[List[str]], default=none See `read` method. query_builder: Optional[Querybuilder], default=none See `read` method. See Also -------- For documentation on the parameters. """ symbol: str as_of: Optional[AsOf] = None date_range: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Timestamp], Optional[Timestamp]]] = None columns: Optional[List[str]] = None query_builder: Optional[QueryBuilder] = None
class StagedDataFinalizeMethod(Enum): WRITE = auto() APPEND = auto()
[docs]class Library: """ The main interface exposing read/write functionality within a given Arctic instance. Arctic libraries contain named symbols which are the atomic unit of data storage within Arctic. Symbols contain data that in most cases resembles a DataFrame and are versioned such that all modifying operations can be tracked and reverted. Instances of this class provide a number of primitives to write, modify and remove symbols, as well as also providing methods to manage library snapshots. For more information on snapshots please see the `snapshot` method. Arctic libraries support concurrent writes and reads to multiple symbols as well as concurrent reads to a single symbol. However, concurrent writers to a single symbol are not supported other than for primitives that explicitly state support for single-symbol concurrent writes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, arctic_instance_description: str, nvs: NativeVersionStore): """ Parameters ---------- arctic_instance_description Human readable description of the Arctic instance to which this library belongs. Used for informational purposes only. nvs The native version store that backs this library. """ self.arctic_instance_desc = arctic_instance_description self._nvs = nvs self._nvs._normalizer.df._skip_df_consolidation = True
def __repr__(self): return "Library(%s, path=%s, storage=%s)" % ( self.arctic_instance_desc,, self._nvs.get_backing_store(), ) def __getitem__(self, symbol: str) -> VersionedItem: return def __contains__(self, symbol: str): return self.has_symbol(symbol) def write( self, symbol: str, data: NormalizableType, metadata: Any = None, prune_previous_versions: bool = True, staged=False, ) -> VersionedItem: """ Write ``data`` to the specified ``symbol``. If ``symbol`` already exists then a new version will be created to reference the newly written data. For more information on versions see the documentation for the `read` primitive. ``data`` must be of a format that can be normalised into Arctic's internal storage structure. Pandas DataFrames, Pandas Series and Numpy NDArrays can all be normalised. Normalised data will be split along both the columns and rows into segments. By default, a segment will contain 100,000 rows and 127 columns. If this library has ``write_deduplication`` enabled then segments will be deduplicated against storage prior to write to reduce required IO operations and storage requirements. Data will be effectively deduplicated for all segments up until the first differing row when compared to storage. As a result, modifying the beginning of ``data`` with respect to previously written versions may significantly reduce the effectiveness of deduplication. Note that `write` is not designed for multiple concurrent writers over a single symbol *unless the staged keyword argument is set to True*. If ``staged`` is True, written segments will be staged and left in an "incomplete" stage, unable to be read until they are finalized. This enables multiple writers to a single symbol - all writing staged data at the same time - with one process able to later finalise all staged data rendering the data readable by clients. To finalise staged data, see `finalize_staged_data`. Note: ArcticDB will use the 0-th level index of the Pandas DataFrame for its on-disk index. Any non-`DatetimeIndex` will converted into an internal `RowCount` index. That is, ArcticDB will assign each row a monotonically increasing integer identifier and that will be used for the index. Parameters ---------- symbol : str Symbol name. Limited to 255 characters. The following characters are not supported in symbols: ``"*", "&", "<", ">"`` data : NormalizableType Data to be written. To write non-normalizable data, use `write_pickle`. metadata : Any, default=None Optional metadata to persist along with the symbol. prune_previous_versions : bool, default=True Removes previous (non-snapshotted) versions from the database. staged : bool, default=False Whether to write to a staging area rather than immediately to the library. Note that each unit of staged data must a) be datetime indexed and b) not overlap with any other unit of staged data. Note that this will create symbols with Dynamic Schema enabled. Returns ------- VersionedItem Structure containing metadata and version number of the written symbol in the store. Raises ------ ArcticUnsupportedDataTypeException If ``data`` is not of NormalizableType. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'column': [5,6,7]}) >>> lib.write("symbol", df, metadata={'my_dictionary': 'is_great'}) >>>"symbol").data column 0 5 1 6 2 7 Staging data for later finalisation (enables concurrent writes): >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'column': [5,6,7]}, index=pd.date_range(start='1/1/2000', periods=3)) >>> lib.write("staged", df, staged=True) # Multiple staged writes can occur in parallel >>> lib.finalize_staged_data("staged", StagedDataFinalizeMethod.WRITE) # Must be run after all staged writes have completed >>>"staged").data # Would return error if run before finalization column 2000-01-01 5 2000-01-02 6 2000-01-03 7 WritePayload objects can be unpacked and used as parameters: >>> w = WritePayload("symbol", df, metadata={'the': 'metadata'}) >>> lib.write(*w, staged=True) """ if not isinstance(data, NORMALIZABLE_TYPES): raise ArcticUnsupportedDataTypeException( f"data is of a type that cannot be normalized. Consider using " f"write_pickle instead. type(data)=[{type(data)}]" ) return self._nvs.write( symbol=symbol, data=data, metadata=metadata, prune_previous_version=prune_previous_versions, pickle_on_failure=False, parallel=staged, ) def write_pickle( self, symbol: str, data: Any, metadata: Any = None, prune_previous_versions: bool = True, staged=False ) -> VersionedItem: """ See `write`. This method differs from `write` only in that ``data`` can be of any type that is serialisable via the Pickle library. There are significant downsides to storing data in this way: - Retrieval can only be done in bulk. Calls to `read` will not support `date_range`, `query_builder` or `columns`. - The data cannot be updated or appended to via the update and append methods. - Writes cannot be deduplicated in any way. Parameters ---------- symbol See documentation on `write`. data : `Any` Data to be written. metadata See documentation on `write`. prune_previous_versions See documentation on `write`. staged See documentation on `write`. Returns ------- VersionedItem See documentation on `write`. Examples -------- >>> lib.write_pickle("symbol", [1,2,3]) >>>"symbol").data [1, 2, 3] See Also -------- write: For more detailed documentation. """ return self._nvs.write( symbol=symbol, data=data, metadata=metadata, prune_previous_version=prune_previous_versions, pickle_on_failure=True, parallel=staged, ) @staticmethod def _raise_if_duplicate_symbols_in_batch(batch): symbols = {p.symbol for p in batch} if len(symbols) < len(batch): raise ArcticDuplicateSymbolsInBatchException @staticmethod def _raise_if_unsupported_type_in_write_batch(payloads): bad_symbols = [] for p in payloads: if not isinstance(, NORMALIZABLE_TYPES): bad_symbols.append((p.symbol, type( if not bad_symbols: return error_message = ( "payload contains some data of types that cannot be normalized. Consider using " f"write_batch_pickle instead. symbols with bad datatypes={bad_symbols[:5]}" ) if len(bad_symbols) > 5: error_message += f" (and more)... {len(bad_symbols)} data in total have bad types." raise ArcticUnsupportedDataTypeException(error_message) def write_batch( self, payloads: List[WritePayload], prune_previous_versions: bool = True, staged=False ) -> List[VersionedItem]: """ Write a batch of multiple symbols. Parameters ---------- payloads : `List[WritePayload]` Symbols and their corresponding data. There must not be any duplicate symbols in `payload`. prune_previous_versions: `bool`, default=True See `write`. staged: `bool`, default=False See `write`. Returns ------- List[VersionedItem] Structure containing metadata and version number of the written symbols in the store, in the same order as `payload`. Raises ------ ArcticDuplicateSymbolsInBatchException When duplicate symbols appear in payload. ArcticUnsupportedDataTypeException If data that is not of NormalizableType appears in any of the payloads. See Also -------- write: For more detailed documentation. Examples -------- Writing a simple batch: >>> df_1 = pd.DataFrame({'column': [1,2,3]}) >>> df_2 = pd.DataFrame({'column': [4,5,6]}) >>> payload_1 = WritePayload("symbol_1", df_1, metadata={'the': 'metadata'}) >>> payload_2 = WritePayload("symbol_2", df_2) >>> items = lib.write_batch([payload_1, payload_2]) >>>"symbol_1").data column 0 1 1 2 2 3 >>>"symbol_2").data column 0 4 1 5 2 6 >>> items[0].symbol, items[1].symbol ('symbol_1', 'symbol_2') """ self._raise_if_duplicate_symbols_in_batch(payloads) self._raise_if_unsupported_type_in_write_batch(payloads) return self._nvs.batch_write( [p.symbol for p in payloads], [ for p in payloads], [p.metadata for p in payloads], prune_previous_version=prune_previous_versions, pickle_on_failure=False, parallel=staged, ) def write_batch_pickle( self, payloads: List[WritePayload], prune_previous_versions: bool = True, staged=False ) -> List[VersionedItem]: """ Write a batch of multiple symbols, pickling their data if necessary. Parameters ---------- payloads : `List[WritePayload]` Symbols and their corresponding data. There must not be any duplicate symbols in `payload`. prune_previous_versions: `bool`, default=True See `write`. staged: `bool`, default=False See `write`. Returns ------- List[VersionedItem] Structures containing metadata and version number of the written symbols in the store, in the same order as `payload`. Raises ------ ArcticDuplicateSymbolsInBatchException When duplicate symbols appear in payload. See Also -------- write: For more detailed documentation. write_pickle: For information on the implications of providing data that needs to be pickled. """ self._raise_if_duplicate_symbols_in_batch(payloads) return self._nvs.batch_write( [p.symbol for p in payloads], [ for p in payloads], [p.metadata for p in payloads], prune_previous_version=prune_previous_versions, pickle_on_failure=True, parallel=staged, ) def append( self, symbol: str, data: NormalizableType, metadata: Any = None, prune_previous_versions: bool = False ) -> Optional[VersionedItem]: """ Appends the given data to the existing, stored data. Append always appends along the index. A new version will be created to reference the newly-appended data. Append only accepts data for which the index of the first row is equal to or greater than the index of the last row in the existing data. Appends containing differing column sets to the existing data are only possible if the library has been configured to support dynamic schemas. Note that `append` is not designed for multiple concurrent writers over a single symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol name. data Data to be written. metadata Optional metadata to persist along with the new symbol version. Note that the metadata is not combined in any way with the metadata stored in the previous version. prune_previous_versions Removes previous (non-snapshotted) versions from the database when True. Returns ------- VersionedItem Structure containing metadata and version number of the written symbol in the store. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame( ... {'column': [1,2,3]}, ... index=pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/03/2018') ... ) >>> df column 2018-01-01 1 2018-01-02 2 2018-01-03 3 >>> lib.write("symbol", df) >>> to_append_df = pd.DataFrame( ... {'column': [4,5,6]}, ... index=pd.date_range(start='1/4/2018', end='1/06/2018') ... ) >>> to_append_df column 2018-01-04 4 2018-01-05 5 2018-01-06 6 >>> lib.append("symbol", to_append_df) >>>"symbol").data column 2018-01-01 1 2018-01-02 2 2018-01-03 3 2018-01-04 4 2018-01-05 5 2018-01-06 6 """ return self._nvs.append( symbol=symbol, dataframe=data, metadata=metadata, prune_previous_version=prune_previous_versions ) def update( self, symbol: str, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series], metadata: Any = None, upsert: bool = False, date_range: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Timestamp], Optional[Timestamp]]] = None, prune_previous_versions=False, ) -> VersionedItem: """ Overwrites existing symbol data with the contents of ``data``. The entire range between the first and last index entry in ``data`` is replaced in its entirety with the contents of ``data``, adding additional index entries if required. `update` only operates over the outermost index level - this means secondary index rows will be removed if not contained in ``data``. Both the existing symbol version and ``data`` must be timeseries-indexed. Note that `update` is not designed for multiple concurrent writers over a single symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol name. data Timeseries indexed data to use for the update. metadata Metadata to persist along with the new symbol version. upsert: bool, default=False If True, will write the data even if the symbol does not exist. date_range: `Tuple[Optional[Timestamp], Optional[Timestamp]]`, default=None If a range is specified, it will delete the stored value within the range and overwrite it with the data in ``data``. This allows the user to update with data that might only be a subset of the stored value. Leaving any part of the tuple as None leaves that part of the range open ended. Only data with date_range will be modified, even if ``data`` covers a wider date range. prune_previous_versions, default=False Removes previous (non-snapshotted) versions from the database when True. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame( ... {'column': [1,2,3,4]}, ... index=pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/4/2018') ... ) >>> df column 2018-01-01 1 2018-01-02 2 2018-01-03 3 2018-01-04 4 >>> lib.write("symbol", df) >>> update_df = pd.DataFrame( ... {'column': [400, 40]}, ... index=pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/3/2018', freq='2D') ... ) >>> update_df column 2018-01-01 400 2018-01-03 40 >>> lib.update("symbol", update_df) >>> # Note that 2018-01-02 is gone despite not being in update_df >>>"symbol").data column 2018-01-01 400 2018-01-03 40 2018-01-04 4 """ return self._nvs.update( symbol=symbol, data=data, metadata=metadata, upsert=upsert, date_range=date_range, prune_previous_version=prune_previous_versions, ) def finalize_staged_data( self, symbol: str, mode: Optional[StagedDataFinalizeMethod] = StagedDataFinalizeMethod.WRITE ): """ Finalises staged data, making it available for reads. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol to finalize data for. mode : `StagedDataFinalizeMethod`, default=StagedDataFinalizeMethod.WRITE Finalise mode. Valid options are WRITE or APPEND. Write collects the staged data and writes them to a new timeseries. Append collects the staged data and appends them to the latest version. See Also -------- write Documentation on the ``staged`` parameter explains the concept of staged data in more detail. """ self._nvs.compact_incomplete(symbol, mode == StagedDataFinalizeMethod.APPEND, False) def sort_and_finalize_staged_data( self, symbol: str, mode: Optional[StagedDataFinalizeMethod] = StagedDataFinalizeMethod.WRITE ): """ sort_merge will sort and finalize staged data. This differs from `finalize_staged_data` in that it can support staged segments with interleaved time periods - the end result will be ordered. This requires performing a full sort in memory so can be time consuming. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol to finalize data for. mode : `StagedDataFinalizeMethod`, default=StagedDataFinalizeMethod.WRITE Finalise mode. Valid options are WRITE or APPEND. Write collects the staged data and writes them to a new timeseries. Append collects the staged data and appends them to the latest version. See Also -------- write Documentation on the ``staged`` parameter explains the concept of staged data in more detail. """ self._nvs.version_store.sort_merge(symbol, None, mode == StagedDataFinalizeMethod.APPEND, False) def get_staged_symbols(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns all symbols with staged, unfinalized data. Returns ------- List[str] Symbol names. See Also -------- write Documentation on the ``staged`` parameter explains the concept of staged data in more detail. """ return self._nvs.version_store.get_incomplete_symbols() def read( self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[AsOf] = None, date_range: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Timestamp], Optional[Timestamp]]] = None, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, query_builder: Optional[QueryBuilder] = None, ) -> VersionedItem: """ Read data for the named symbol. Returns a VersionedItem object with a data and metadata element (as passed into write). Parameters ---------- symbol : str Symbol name. as_of : AsOf, default=None Return the data as it was as of the point in time. ``None`` means that the latest version should be read. The various types of this parameter mean: - ``int``: specific version number - ``str``: snapshot name which contains the version - ``datetime.datetime`` : the version of the data that existed ``as_of`` the requested point in time date_range: Tuple[Optional[Timestamp], Optional[Timestamp]], default=None DateRange to restrict read data to. Applicable only for time-indexed Pandas dataframes or series. Returns only the part of the data that falls withing the given range (inclusive). None on either end leaves that part of the range open-ended. Hence specifying ``(None, datetime(2025, 1, 1)`` declares that you wish to read all data up to and including 20250101. columns: List[str], default=None Applicable only for Pandas data. Determines which columns to return data for. query_builder: Optional[QueryBuilder], default=None A QueryBuilder object to apply to the dataframe before it is returned. For more information see the documentation for the QueryBuilder class (``from arcticdb import QueryBuilder; help(QueryBuilder)``). Returns ------- VersionedItem object that contains a .data and .metadata element Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'column': [5,6,7]}) >>> lib.write("symbol", df, metadata={'my_dictionary': 'is_great'}) >>>"symbol").data column 0 5 1 6 2 7 The default read behaviour is also available through subscripting: >>> lib["symbol"].data column 0 5 1 6 2 7 """ return symbol=symbol, as_of=as_of, date_range=date_range, columns=columns, query_builder=query_builder ) def read_batch( self, symbols: List[Union[str, ReadRequest]], query_builder: Optional[QueryBuilder] = None ) -> List[VersionedItem]: """ Reads multiple symbols. Parameters ---------- symbols : List[Union[str, ReadRequest] List of symbols to read. query_builder: Optional[QueryBuilder], default=None A single QueryBuilder to apply to all the dataframes before they are returned. If this argument is passed then none of the ``symbols`` may have their own query_builder specified in their request. Returns ------- List[VersionedItem] A list of the read results, whose i-th element corresponds to the i-th element of the ``symbols`` parameter. Raises ------ ArcticInvalidApiUsageException If kwarg query_builder and per-symbol query builders both used. Examples -------- >>> lib.write("s1", pd.DataFrame()) >>> lib.write("s2", pd.DataFrame({"col": [1, 2, 3]})) >>> lib.write("s2", pd.DataFrame(), prune_previous_versions=False) >>> lib.write("s3", pd.DataFrame()) >>> batch = lib.read_batch(["s1", ReadRequest("s2", as_of=0), "s3"]) >>> batch[0].data.empty True >>> batch[1].data.empty False See Also -------- read """ symbol_strings = [] as_ofs = [] date_ranges = [] columns = [] query_builders = [] def handle_read_request(s_): symbol_strings.append(s_.symbol) as_ofs.append(s_.as_of) date_ranges.append(s_.date_range) columns.append(s_.columns) if s_.query_builder is not None and query_builder is not None: raise ArcticInvalidApiUsageException( "kwarg query_builder and per-symbol query builders cannot " f"both be used but {s_} had its own query_builder specified." ) else: query_builders.append(s_.query_builder) def handle_symbol(s_): symbol_strings.append(s_) for l_ in (as_ofs, date_ranges, columns, query_builders): l_.append(None) for s in symbols: if isinstance(s, str): handle_symbol(s) elif isinstance(s, ReadRequest): handle_read_request(s) else: raise ArcticInvalidApiUsageException( f"Invalid symbol type s=[{s}] type(s)=[{type(s)}]. Only [str] and [ReadRequest] are supported." ) return self._nvs._batch_read_to_versioned_items( symbol_strings, as_ofs, date_ranges, columns, query_builder or query_builders ) def read_metadata(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[AsOf] = None) -> VersionedItem: """ Return the metadata saved for a symbol. This method is faster than read as it only loads the metadata, not the data itself. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol name as_of : AsOf, default=None Return the metadata as it was as of the point in time. See documentation on `read` for documentation on the different forms this parameter can take. Returns ------- VersionedItem Structure containing metadata and version number of the affected symbol in the store. The data attribute will be None. """ return self._nvs.read_metadata(symbol, as_of) def write_metadata(self, symbol: str, metadata: Any) -> VersionedItem: """ Write metadata under the specified symbol name to this library. The data will remain unchanged. A new version will be created. If the symbol is missing, it causes a write with empty data (None, pickled, can't append) and the supplied metadata. This method should be faster than `write` as it involves no data segment read/write operations. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol name for the item metadata Metadata to persist along with the symbol Returns ------- VersionedItem Structure containing metadata and version number of the affected symbol in the store. """ return self._nvs.write_metadata(symbol, metadata, prune_previous_version=False) def snapshot( self, snapshot_name: str, metadata: Any = None, skip_symbols: Optional[List[str]] = None, versions: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, ) -> None: """ Creates a named snapshot of the data within a library. By default, the latest version of every symbol that has not been deleted will be contained within the snapshot. You can change this behaviour with either ``versions`` (an allow-list) or with ``skip_symbols`` (a deny-list). Concurrent writes with prune previous versions set while the snapshot is being taken can potentially lead to corruption of the affected symbols in the snapshot. The symbols and versions contained within the snapshot will persist regardless of new symbols and versions being written to the library afterwards. If a version or symbol referenced in a snapshot is deleted then the underlying data will be preserved to ensure the snapshot is still accessible. Only once all referencing snapshots have been removed will the underlying data be removed as well. At most one of ``skip_symbols`` and ``versions`` may be truthy. Parameters ---------- snapshot_name Name of the snapshot. metadata : Any, default=None Optional metadata to persist along with the snapshot. skip_symbols : List[str], default=None Optional symbols to be excluded from the snapshot. versions: Dict[str, int], default=None Optional dictionary of versions of symbols to snapshot. For example `versions={"a": 2, "b": 3}` will snapshot version 2 of symbol "a" and version 3 of symbol "b". Raises ------ InternalException If a snapshot already exists with ``snapshot_name``. You must explicitly delete the pre-existing snapshot. """ self._nvs.snapshot(snap_name=snapshot_name, metadata=metadata, skip_symbols=skip_symbols, versions=versions) def delete(self, symbol: str, versions: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]] = None): """ Delete all versions of the symbol from the library, unless ``version`` is specified, in which case only those versions are deleted. This may not actually delete the underlying data if a snapshot still references the version. See `snapshot` for more detail. Note that this may require data to be removed from the underlying storage which can be slow. If no symbol called ``symbol`` exists then this is a no-op. In particular this method does not raise in this case. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol to delete. versions Version or versions of symbol to delete. If ``None`` then all versions will be deleted. """ if versions is None: self._nvs.delete(symbol) return if isinstance(versions, int): versions = (versions,) for v in versions: self._nvs.delete_version(symbol, v) def prune_previous_versions(self, symbol): """ Removes all (non-snapshotted) versions from the database for the given symbol, except the latest. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name to prune. """ self._nvs.prune_previous_versions(symbol) def delete_data_in_range(self, symbol: str, date_range: Tuple[Optional[Timestamp], Optional[Timestamp]]): """Delete data within the given date range, creating a new version of ``symbol``. The existing symbol version must be timeseries-indexed. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol name. date_range The date range in which to delete data. Leaving any part of the tuple as None leaves that part of the range open ended. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"column": [5, 6, 7, 8]}, index=pd.date_range(start="1/1/2018", end="1/4/2018")) >>> lib.write("symbol", df) >>> lib.delete_data_in_range("symbol", date_range=(datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 2))) >>> lib["symbol"].version 1 >>> lib["symbol"].data column 2018-01-03 7 2018-01-04 8 """ if date_range is None: raise ArcticInvalidApiUsageException("date_range must be given but was None") self._nvs.delete(symbol, date_range=date_range) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_name: str) -> None: """ Delete a named snapshot. This may take time if the given snapshot is the last reference to the underlying symbol(s) as the underlying data will be removed as well. Parameters ---------- snapshot_name The snapshot name to delete. Raises ------ Exception If the named snapshot does not exist. """ return self._nvs.delete_snapshot(snapshot_name) def list_symbols(self, snapshot_name: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]: """ Return the symbols in this library. Parameters ---------- snapshot_name Return the symbols available under the snapshot. If None then considers symbols that are live in the library as of the current time. Returns ------- List[str] Symbols in the library. """ return self._nvs.list_symbols(snapshot=snapshot_name) def has_symbol(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[AsOf] = None) -> bool: """ Whether this library contains the given symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol name for the item as_of : AsOf, default=None Return the data as it was as_of the point in time. See `read` for more documentation. If absent then considers symbols that are live in the library as of the current time. Returns ------- bool True if the symbol is in the library, False otherwise. Examples -------- >>> lib.write("symbol", pd.DataFrame()) >>> lib.has_symbol("symbol") True >>> lib.has_symbol("another_symbol") False The __contains__ operator also checks whether a symbol exists in this library as of now: >>> "symbol" in lib True >>> "another_symbol" in lib False """ return self._nvs.has_symbol(symbol, as_of=as_of) def list_snapshots(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ List the snapshots in the library. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] Snapshots in the library. Keys are snapshot names, values are metadata associated with that snapshot. """ return self._nvs.list_snapshots() def list_versions( self, symbol: Optional[str] = None, snapshot: Optional[str] = None, latest_only: bool = False, skip_snapshots: bool = False, ) -> Dict[SymbolVersion, VersionInfo]: """ Get the versions in this library, filtered by the passed in parameters. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol to return versions for. If None returns versions across all symbols in the library. snapshot Only return the versions contained in the named snapshot. latest_only : bool, default=False Only include the latest version for each returned symbol. skip_snapshots : bool, default=False Don't populate version list with snapshot information. Can improve performance significantly if there are many snapshots. Returns ------- Dict[SymbolVersion, VersionInfo] Dictionary describing the version for each symbol-version pair in the library. Since symbol version is a (named) tuple you can index in to the dictionary simply as shown in the examples below. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame() >>> lib.write("symbol", df, metadata=10) >>> lib.write("symbol", df, metadata=11, prune_previous_versions=False) >>> lib.snapshot("snapshot") >>> lib.write("symbol", df, metadata=12, prune_previous_versions=False) >>> lib.delete("symbol", versions=(1, 2)) >>> versions = lib.list_versions("symbol") >>> versions["symbol", 1].deleted True >>> versions["symbol", 1].snapshots ["my_snap"] """ versions = self._nvs.list_versions( symbol=symbol, snapshot=snapshot, latest_only=latest_only, iterate_on_failure=False, skip_snapshots=skip_snapshots, ) return { SymbolVersion(v["symbol"], v["version"]): VersionInfo(v["date"], v["deleted"], v["snapshots"]) for v in versions } def head(self, symbol: str, n: int = 5, as_of: Optional[AsOf] = None, columns: List[str] = None) -> VersionedItem: """ Read the first n rows of data for the named symbol. If n is negative, return all rows except the last n rows. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol name. n : int, default=5 Number of rows to select if non-negative, otherwise number of rows to exclude. as_of : AsOf, default=None See documentation on `read`. columns See documentation on `read`. Returns ------- VersionedItem object that contains a .data and .metadata element. """ return self._nvs.head(symbol=symbol, n=n, as_of=as_of, columns=columns) def tail( self, symbol: str, n: int = 5, as_of: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, columns: List[str] = None ) -> VersionedItem: """ Read the last n rows of data for the named symbol. If n is negative, return all rows except the first n rows. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol name. n : int, default=5 Number of rows to select if non-negative, otherwise number of rows to exclude. as_of : AsOf, default=None See documentation on `read`. columns See documentation on `read`. Returns ------- VersionedItem object that contains a .data and .metadata element. """ return self._nvs.tail(symbol=symbol, n=n, as_of=as_of, columns=columns) def get_description(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[AsOf] = None) -> SymbolDescription: """ Returns descriptive data for ``symbol``. Parameters ---------- symbol Symbol name. as_of : AsOf, default=None See documentation on `read`. Returns ------- SymbolDescription Named tuple containing the descriptive data. See Also -------- SymbolDescription For documentation on each field. """ info = self._nvs.get_info(symbol, as_of) last_update_time = pd.to_datetime(info["last_update"]).to_pydatetime() columns = tuple(NameWithDType(n, t) for n, t in zip(info["col_names"]["columns"], info["dtype"])) index = NameWithDType(info["col_names"]["index"], info["col_names"]["index_dtype"]) return SymbolDescription( columns=columns, index=index, row_count=info["rows"], last_update_time=last_update_time, index_type=info["index_type"], date_range=info["date_range"], ) def reload_symbol_list(self): """ Forces the symbol list cache to be reloaded """ self._nvs.version_store.reload_symbol_list() @property def name(self): """The name of this library.""" return